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                                                                                                         -------- Chocway Xu


Leigh Armstrong: This review is for anyone dealing with chronic pain or fatigue, autoimmune problems, metabolism issues, depression, and anxiety. I truly recommend trying this place. And it has legitimately helped improve the quality of my life. I trust them fully, and came to them in such dire need. I feel they provide superior service and are true professionals. Let me just say, I finally decided to do acupuncture after years of trying to get healthy and find help and reassurance through western medicine and various treatment modalities and just wasn’t improving. I was actually kind of getting worse! And they kept prescribing me more medication instead of considering the root cause or using more natural alternatives. When I first came to Oriental Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, I was probably an emotional mess, didn’t have much hope and definitely gave them a very long list of symptoms. We actually look back and laugh about it now because of how much I have begun to improve here. Y’all, it’s no joke. I’m a teacher and I’m also in school getting my masters in teaching. When I came to this clinic the first time, I legitimately wasn’t sure whether I could continue in my job and education due to my overall health and wellbeing. But I was able to! And I’m graduating soon! I feel like I have a future to look forward to now. I feel so grateful to have found this place and genuinely feel taken care of when I come here. Recovery is a long road and there is no quick fix, but my life has started to radically change since coming here. That long list of symptoms is slowly getting shorter every week. And that long list of medications is slowly getting shorter, too. I feel in control of my body which is amazing. And I love everyone who works here. They are just wonderful, so generous and very knowledgeable. Thank you SO much Oriental Acupuncture and Herb Clinic!

Autumn K: I came in to this clinic about two months ago. I had surgery December 12 for a torn meniscus. I was seeing an orthopedic doctor. I had been seeing an orthopedic doctor in Ft Worth prior to moving to Houston. I was seeing him for arthritis issues in my knees. After surgery in Houston, the orthopedic doctor told me if I didn't get better with his steroid injections and pain pills then partial knee replacement is what was in store. I continued his method of treatment for a couple months and then a couple of weeks after surgery. I wasn't getting any better. Honestly, I was getting worse. I could barely walk it was so painful. I had read where steroid injections speeded up the knee replacement process so I really didn't want to continue getting them. The doctor just kept prescribing stronger pain medicine and his answer was always a steroid injection. I went to see the doctor (acupuncturist) at the acupuncture clinic in Katy. I knew there had to be a better answer. I had tried acupuncture in my early 20's for my shoulder. I am 58 years old now. A month later I have no IT band issues. I am walking normal. I am losing weight and now she is treating the arthritis in my knees. She is an absolute miracle worker. I only wished I would have known her prior to having my pedicle screw surgery in my back in 2016. I may not have had to go through all of this arthritis flaring up or the back surgery all together. I am continuing to see her once a week where in the beginning I was seeing her twice a week. The acupuncture is working. This is the only medical treatment I am using and feel absolutely wonderful. Yes, It took me seeing her four or five times in order to feel this way but, I had let the problem go on for so long using pain pills and steroids as the treatment instead of acupuncture. I am nearly back to my old self feeling more and more fabulous each day. I cannot praise this place enough it has literally given me my life back. If you are not wanting surgery and are tired of the doctors filling you with steroids and pain pills, this is where you need to go. IT band issues from running, she can fix them. Arthritis, knee issues, a wide range of medical problems, she has the answers!!! Oriental Acupuncture & Herb Clinic (, I love them!!!

Caleb Bazaldua: Dr. Xu is great and so knowledgeable. I have seen many acupuncture doctors in Houston and even Dallas area near family and hands down she is the best. Good care and quality results. I have had sciatic nerve issue treatments and the results were amazing and she knew exactly what care and herbs would improve my pain management. I thank her for excellence in helping patients like me find better health. I recommend her to all needing stress and pain relief.

Daniel Gibbs: Had chronic headaches, had MRI and CT scan nothing found no relief for 7 months. After 3 visits have been headache free for over a month now.

Sarah M: I was attended to by Chocway regularly for a while. She helped me work through a variety of issues at different periods of time including, stress, anxiety, hair loss, and women's issues. She is extremely kind and thorough, but also exceptionally knowledgeable about what underlying issues are, or what certain symptoms mean, and how to tend to them. It is difficult to find people in the medical field who are both kind and proficient in their field.To be honest, I was not initially a "believer" in acupuncture as something that could assist with some of the issues I had been dealing with for a long time (like the hair loss and women's issues). However, Chocway was able to not just address the symptoms, but take care of the underlying causes, for a lasting impact on my health and well being. I learned acupuncture could even help with day to day life things. The results were often almost immediate, and I could see progress week over week. I fully trust her, and always recommend her to my friends and family.

Amanda: I have deep appreciation for Dr. Xu, who has solved my daughter's problem that had loomed over our family for about eight months. My seven year old daughter had recurrent fever since March 2020. The fever occurred at regular intervals, about every 18 days. It could last one day to three days each time. There were headache and stomach pain in addition to the fever, but clearly there was no sign of infection. Most of the time the temperature would not be more than 102 F, and we gave her Tylenol when she was not comfortable. She was doing totally fine once the body temperature was under control. She behaved normally too during the intervals between the occurrences. We had considered all the possible diseases about recurrent fever, including PFAPA syndrome and the rare diseases like Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), but none of those diseases is easy to diagnose or confirm. Extensive tests would have to be conducted including the genetic testing. We finally came to Dr. Xu in Nov. 2020. Based on the symptoms, Dr. Xu diagnosed that it should be the problem with the liver and gallbladder. She prescribed some herb medicine. A couple of hours after my daughter took the first dose, she threw up bile, then she told us she felt much better. For the rest of a few days, she looked weak, like recovering from a disease attack. She continued taking the herb medicine and eventually recovered fully after a week or so. It has been about two months since then, and the fever did not come back. My daughter has slept better and gained more weight since then. Even though all the references we found related to recurrent fever diseases like PFAPA syndrome mentioned that the recurrent fever should not impact the growth of children, I would see the recurrent fever my daughter had should have still impacted her growth, by comparing how she has grown since the treatment with Dr. Xu. We are sincerely thankful to Dr. Xu for her tremendous help, and feel fortunate to benefit from the traditional Chinese treatment and herb medicine.

Katrina Esqueda: This place is great. I was barely able to walk. After the 1st treatment I was feeling better and by the second the pain was almost completely gone! Chockway was amazing! She is so well versed in healing treatment and a true healer. Dr. Xu was so friendly and kind. The office is clean and very comfortable. Highly recommend. Forget meds and western medicine to fully heal your ailments. This is the place to come if you are in pain. They have healing hands and really care for their patients well being! Can’t recommend enough!!

Lisa Simmons: For the past several years, I have struggled with sleeping through the night. At 65, I tend to get hot, then cold, throughout the night which greatly interferes with getting a good night's sleep. After a recommendation from a friend, I tried Oriental Acupuncture in an attempt to address this continuing hot/cold nightly cycle. I found the place to be clean, inviting, with a professional staff. The acupuncturist spend a good amount of time with me asking questions until she had a thorough understanding of my concern - she checked my pulse, blood pressure and looked at my tongue (the only visible muscle in the body). Actually, I believe this is the longest amount of time that I have ever talked to a doctor! The first visit, she did just acupuncture and I really did not feel any effect. The second visit, and subsequent visits, she did acupuncture and provided an individualized herbal tea to drink after meals. While not immediate relief, by the fifth visit I was sleeping through the night without the constant throwing off /putting on of bed covers!!! I would highly recommend Oriental Acupuncture to anyone who wants to try a more natural approach.

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