Acupuncture and Herb can work well for Weight Control
Weight Control Management includes losing weight and gaining weight. Nowadays most people are overweight. So we are going to talk about weight loss today. Some people, they eat a lot, but they look skinny, other people even suffer hunger, they are still overweight. Or they may lose weight, but they lose energy too. Does Exercise help to lose weight, but sometime Exercise may hurt joints.
If you can not control the weight in time, Overweight may develop to be Obesity. Obesity is no longer a simple external body shape problem. It has become the source of many dangerous diseases. Such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cholelithiasis, glomerular, sclerosis, fatty liver, Sleep apnea syndrome and joints problem……, finally, it will lower your lift quality and may effect your mental health.
If you already tried a lot of ways to lose weigh, which you learned from internet, your weight is still there. come to our clinic, Acupuncture will help you to lose weight in nature way.
We can help you to lose weight on professional way:
1. Acupuncture weight loss method
Specific acupuncture points can regulate the functions of internal organs, to wake up the meridians of specific areas, thereby the endocrine system work well, then lose weight. At the same time you will achieve health without any harm.
2. Moxibustion weight loss method
Moxibustion is a safe and noninvasive heat therapy. It has been used safely for thousands of years. Moxa Stick is composed of Mugwort leaf. It is the best herb on earth that can penetrate the heat deeply into the body to stimulate blood flow, increase circulation, enhances the immune system, improve organs functions, detoxing our body to promote longevity and overall health. After you become healthy, you will have normal weight, not too fat, not too skinny.
3. Cupping weight loss method
Cupping weight loss is also a form of meridian weight loss. Guided by the Oriental Traditional Medicine theory, it explores and summarizes the essence of the meridian theory, so that the body fat is quickly decomposed, detoxification and warm, so as to achieve the slimming effect of lipid-lowering and fat-reducing.
4. Oriental Traditional Herb can work on Weight Loss
Oriental Traditional Herb also can help losing weight with almost no side effects. We will make specific treatment plan for a patient after diagnosis.
There are many ways to lose weight, Acupuncture is more natural and safer. Just remind you, do not blindly carry out, because different people have different physical condition, everyone's body is unique, if you use the same medicine that others used on your body, it may have no effect or even counterproductive effect.
For any idea, please do not hesitate to contact us! welcome to call 281-777-8688 for free consultation!