Acupuncture and Herbs can treat Unbalance Endocrine.
The human body has an endocrine system that secretes various hormones and the nervous system to regulate the metabolism and physiological functions of the human body. Under normal circumstances, various hormones are balanced. If something broke the balance for some reason (some hormones are too much or too little), it might cause endocrine disorders and corresponding clinical manifestations. Endocrine disorders may occur in both men and women.
The general symptoms of male endocrine disorders are acne on the face, abnormal endocrine diseases, adrenal diseases, thyroid diseases, and pituitary lesions. The general symptoms of female endocrine disorders are skin deterioration, irritability, gynecological diseases, obesity, breast disease, excessive body hair, white hair, premature aging, and tinnitus.
To avoid endocrine disorders:
1. Diet conditioning: Eat more different kinds of vegetables, fruits, eat less greasy and irritating foods, use mainly vegetable oil.
2. Vitamin conditioning: Vitamin E plays an important role in regulating endocrine disorders. You can often eat sesame seeds, walnuts, peanuts and other dried fruits that are rich in vitamin E.
3. Mental conditioning: maintain a happy, optimistic mood, stay calm, and pay more attention to the relaxation of body and mind, reduce psychological stress, overcome anxiety, tension and other negative emotions, and do more exercise. In particular, do not stay up late at night, ensure adequate sleep, and strive to improve self-control, avoiding all kinds of extreme emotions such as shock, fear, anger, and excessive sorrow.
4. Detoxification conditioning: Keep the stool, urine and sweat glands unobstructed, so that all wastes and toxins produced by the body have smooth drainage channels.
Specific methods :
1. Ensure the sleeping quality. Clinical studies have found that if adults sleep less than 4 hours a day, their metabolic system will have serious obstacles, that would cause endocrine disorders. Therefore, adults should ensure that they have at least 8 hours of sleep per day. In addition, to improve the quality of sleep, people with poor sleep can exercise for about 20 minutes or drink a cup of hot milk, two to three hours before going to bed. These practices can improved sleep quality significantly.
2. Do not take a cold bath. To take a hot bath is one of the best ways to maintain a balanced body. This is because a hot bath can cause a person's blood vessels to contract sharply first and then slowly relax. This not only enhances people's cardiovascular function, but also promotes the discharge of toxins in the blood. Soak in a bathtub with hot water for 3 minutes, then take a break for 5 minutes, then enter the bathtub for 3 minutes... so repeatedly into the bathtub three times, and it would be really effective in regulating the function of the endocrine system. Those who are not suitable for frequent hot baths (such as heart disease patients) can use hot water to wash their feet, which can also play a role in regulating endocrine function.
3. Massage the chest, spine and underarms. The front chest is where the thymus is located, the spine is the nerve center of the human, and the underarm is where the blood vessels, nerves and lymph nodes gather. If people can massage these three parts regularly, they can improve the body's immunity, keeping the lymph and blood flowing, promoting the discharge of waste and toxins in the body, and regulating endocrine function.
4. Eat less high-fat foods. Fast food is now a convienent choice for most office workers. However, experts tell us that fast food can not be eaten frequently, otherwise it will lead to endocrine disorders. This is because the saturated fat content in fast foods is extremely high. When these saturated fats enter the human body, they will stimulate the excessive secretion of human hormones, which will cause endocrine disorders.
5. Carry out more aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise can consume a lot of fat in the human body and improve the body's metabolic capacity. In addition, exercise can also promote peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the residence time of toxins in the intestine. These can all regulate the human endocrine system.
6. Eat more soy beans or soy products. Soy beans have the effect of maintaining estrogen balance in women. Therefore, women with endocrine disorders may eat more.
If the symptoms are a bit serious and you have difficulty relying on your own adjustments, our clinic can provide assistance in this regard. Using traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, the body's weak organs will be conditioned, and the blocked meridians will be cleared to help the body return to normal.
For any question, welcome to call 281-777-8688 for free consultation!