Recently we have two patients, they were diagnosed positive as COVID-19 late. They were asked to stay at home instead of into the hospital by CDC because their symptoms were not threatening their lives yet.
One of the patients is a nurse, she doesn’t know where she got coronavirus. Anyway, she had an achy body, feels fatigued, and had a fever. As fever caused thirst, she had to get up to drink water during the night.
Another patient is retired, he had roughly the same feeling at the beginning. Days later, he felt less achy and lighter fever. This led him to think he was becoming better. When he came to see me, he already started coughing and felt chest tightness. In fact, what he thought was completely the opposite, because his illness was going deeper and worse. After that, his cough started to disturb his sleep.
Both of them had headaches and lost the ability to taste and smell.
According to each patient’s symptoms and constitutions, we described individual herbs' prescription and teaching them how to take the herbs tea at home themselves.
Three days later, the lady regained her taste, and she doesn't have achy and fever anymore. She only felt very tired because she already had a fever for more than 10 days. We gave her the herbs to help her recovery. Yesterday, she texted messages to tell us she felt great, she can smell, has no headache, and not as weak.
Several days later, the male patient told us he can sleep the whole night without a cough, he doesn’t have chest tightness anymore. His sense of smell comes back and only showing intermittent cough during the daytime. we gave him new herbs too. Yesterday, his wife text messages to tell us he is good.
After nearly one week of helping with herbs tea, these two patients have a good result and they are now cleared from isolation by CDC today. It was definitely heartwarming news for all of us!
From these two cases, we can see for the COVID-19, the earlier treatment is better. The patients mentioned above felt sick on Mar.16 and got the diagnosis of COVID-19 on Mar.28, they saw us on Mar.29. If they could use the herb earlier, it would be better for their recovery.
But if a patient is already in critical condition, like having difficulty breathing or unconsciousness, we can do nothing for them. they need to call 911 and to the emergency room.
As a medical provider, I am doing my best to help patients. Would you like to share this information to help the people who suffering Coronavirus? It will change their life and their family members’ life!
Fighting the Pandemic is everyone's responsibility.